giovedì 31 marzo 2011

Projects and discography

Here is a list of my past and present projects with discography:

My first solo project, created in 1999 and closed in 2003.
"Davide Del Col started his solo adventure as Ornament in 1999, with the venomous tape "Strychninlovenectar", which consisted of four structured death-industrial tracks. His second work entitled "Adorers", inspired by the great plague, was released shortly after on Oktagön Records as a limited edition CD-R. At this point in time the industrial elements of his debut were already fading away. In 2000 Davide self-released in a few copies "Unicorn Lullaby", his most oniric album where he embraced deep Dark-Ambient territories always keeping Ornament's most distinctive features: the cyclic reiteration of the main sequences and his visionary attitude. The abysmal "Yzaniaveis" was released in 2002 by Blade Records in one of its own best tradition special packages. The release "Effortless" was made available in mp3 format by the author in late 2003 on his own web pages. This work represented a return to the project's harsh roots. A completely remastered and repackaged version of "Unicorn Lullaby" was released by Afe in April 2005."
(excerpt from Afe website)

O Diabo De Vila Velha
I used this monicker some years ago for electronic compositions based on 80's sonorities. The album "Zodiac Flenner Torpedo" was made available in mp3 format.

Nimeton Geist
I used this name for an experimental ambient tape released by The MGS label.

My project in collaboration with Fabio Volpi and Accursio Graffeo, created in 2003.

Molnija Aura

My project in collaboration with Andrea Marutti, created in 2007.

My latest born solo project.

We Promise To Betray
My project in collaboration with Giuseppe Verticchio, created in 2017.

Cult Of Light
My project in collaboration with Ascanio Borga.

I also used my own name for a tape released by Silentes.


Ornament "Strychninlovenectar" (tape, Ossarium, 1999)
Ornament "Adorers" (CD-R, Oktagon, 1999)
Ornament "Unicorn Lullaby" (CD-R, Ossarium, 2000)
Ornament "Yzaniaveis" (CD-R, Blade Records, 2002)
Ornament "Effortless" (digital album, 2003)
Ornament "Unicorn Lullaby" (CD-R, Afe, 2005)
O Diabo De Vila Velha "Zodiack Flenner Torpedo"
(digital album, 2005)
Echran "Echran" (CD, Ebriarecords / Smallvoices, 2005)
Ornament "Effortless" (digital album, Benekkea, 2006)
Nimeton Geist "Umea" (tape, The MGS, 2008)
Echran "In Offret" (CD, The MGS / A Silent Place, 2009)
Molnija Aura "Utopian Suns" (CD, Topheth Prophet, 2010)
Davide Del Col "H" (tape, Silentes, 2011)
Antikatechon "Privilegium Martyrii" (CD, Silentes, 2011)
Antikatechon "Chrisma Crucifixorum" (CD, Rage in Eden, 2012)
Nimh & Antikatechon "Out Hunting for Teeth" (CD, Rage in Eden, 2013)
Antikatechon "Woe is the Reward" (CD, Rage in Eden, 2014)
Antikatechon "I Feel Nothing but Repulsion" (CD, Rage in Eden, 2016)
We Promise To Betray "Nothing is as It Seems" (CD, Oltrelanebbiailmare, 2017)
Antikatechon "The Sanctum of Saturation" (CD, Rage in Eden, 2018)
Day Before Us & Antikatechon "Complaintes au Bord d'un Autre Monde" (CD, Heerwegen Tod Production, 2020)
Ornament "Adorers" (digital album, Nostalgie de la Boue, 2021)
Ornament "Unicorn Lullaby" (digital album, Nostalgie de la Boue, 2021)
Antikatechon "Sublime Ascension" (CD, Heerwegen Tod Production, 2022)
Cult Of Light "The Luminous Spiral" (CD, Zazen Sounds, 2024)

mercoledì 23 marzo 2011

Molnija Aura: "Utopian Suns" CD reviewed on "Oltre il Suono"

Un lungo, coinvolgente, affascinante viaggio attraverso il buio più profondo degli infiniti spazi stellari… Una perfetta colonna sonora per immaginarie avventure cosmiche, a bordo di fluttuanti astronavi perse nell'immensità e nell'inconoscibilità del Vuoto Assoluto, sospese in una dimensione spazio-temporale in cui l'umana percezione sensoriale diviene via via un lontano, sfocato ricordo… un concetto astratto, un riferimento sempre più impreciso ed evanescente… Su tutto domina l'oscurità, descritta attraverso masse di basse frequenze in lento movimento, soltanto a tratti violate da indecifrabili segnali di possibili civiltà aliene, captati attraverso strumentazioni di bordo che colmano il silenzio di sterili e angusti ambienti a prova di forza di gravità tratteggiandolo con ronzìi, sibili elettronici, onde sonore ritmiche… E poi cicliche, potenti, imprevedibili tempeste cosmiche che crescono, scuotono, inquietano e spaventano, e che improvvisamente si dissolvono nel Nulla, riconducendo in un istante il viaggio a quell'apparente, illusoria immobilità che soltanto il confronto diretto con l'Eternità e con l'Infinito può ingannevolmente indurci a credere reale… Un viaggio sonoro che raggiunge il suo apice estremo nei quindici minuti della title-track, laddove una pulsante e ipnotica sequenza melodica in crescendo proveniente dal Profondo sembra avvolgere lentamente ogni cosa, disintegrando ogni residua percezione del tempo e dello spazio, e lasciando il cosmonauta/ascoltatore a fluttuare senza controllo e senza memoria in una dimensione "altra".
(Giuseppe Verticchio)

Molnija Aura: "Utopian Suns" CD reviewed on "Prog Archives"

Andrea Marutti's latest musical collab with Davide Del Col is a welcome contribution in the development of sci-fi ambient minimalism. The two musicians are renowned sound alchemists who produced an handful and wide range of electronic materials / soundscapes under their own name or for collective musical projects (Hall of Mirrors...). In this new promosing project, they demonstrate a great ability to experiment "spatial subjectivation" focusing their object on hypnotic patterns, tonal clusters and haunting acoustic vibes. The intention of Utopian Suns is to create neutral-fundamentally harmonics and expressive dronescapes which reveal a pure level of static consistency. From the phenomenological side of meaning these granular soundscapes can be perceived as elementary meditations on the perceptual phenomenon, silence, temporality and culture of repetition. each track installs the listener into a large empty space where the feeling of real time is preserved, restored and re-inforced. The sound spectrum is constantly voluminous and sonorous, admitting subtle interferencies, micro transitions, extended lines, reverb scintillations. The deeply spatial / sculptural aspect of compositions implicitly approaches the aesthetic sensibility of early pioneering works in post-modernist minimalism (Alvin Lucier, Phil Niblock...), giving to the ensemble a very cohesive-symbiotic spectromorphological dimension. The self title track is a stunning, subliminal dreamy like soundscape punctuated by breathing minimal melodies. To say the least, Utopian Suns is a luxurious, everlasting and fascinating textural ambient droning effort. According to me and due to its warm-cristal like waves this album also appears to be highly recommended for beginners in this specific musical subgenre.

sabato 12 marzo 2011

"H" (Collezione del Silenzio)

Davide Del Col "H" (tape, Silentes, 2011)

4 untitled tracks
total running time: 33' 28"

Collezione del Silenzio

Molnija Aura: "Utopian Suns" CD reviewed on "Kulturterrorismus"

Molnija Aura – ein weiteres Projekt des italienischen Ausnahmekünstlers Andrea Marutti, das er mit seinem Landsmann Davide Del Col verwirklicht, der vor allem durch seine Solopfade unter dem Namen Ornament & seine Mitarbeit bei Echran (in Kooperation mit Fabio Volpi) auffiel.

“Utopian Suns” hätte auch gut über Afe Records, dem Label von Andrea Marutti erscheinen können, erblickte aber anstand über die israelische Manufaktur Topheth Prophet das Licht der Welt, wo es sich nahtlos in einen von heimischen Interpreten geprägten Backkatalog einreiht, der seit 2002 stetig wächst.

Als Inspirationsquellen dienten dem Duo die Themengebiete Weltraumforschung, Astronomie und Science-Fiction, welche schon unzählige Protagonisten vor ihnen im (Dark) Ambient verwendeten, um Hintergründe für ihre einnehmenden Kopfkinofilme zu schaffen, die aus dem tristen Alltag in unendliche Weiten entführen (und meist zur Entspannung beitragen).

In Punkto Tonkunst kreierten die Herrschaften eine höchst atmosphärische Symbiose der Stile Ambient und Glitch, deren Dichte wie eine Würgeschlange ihre Beute erdrückt & verstörte bzw. total faszinierte Konsumenten hinterlässt, wenn sie sich vollends dieser mitreißenden Sounds ergeben, wovon man am Ende durchgeschwitzt wie komplett entspannt vor den Lautsprechern der heimischen Anlage verharrt – Wahnsinn! Zwischen 2007 – 2009 entstanden diese 6 Tracks mit einer Spielzeit von knapp über 1er Stunde, welche von Anfang bis Ende eine brillante Ausgewogenheit von tiefen Bässen aus der Electronica mit teilweise meditativen (dronigen) Klangflächen des Ambient verschmelzen, die die Südländer mit vereinzelten Noisesequenzen akzentuierten, wodurch sich eine atemberaubend wie ausdrucksstarke Masse ergibt, die auch nach dem x-ten Hördurchlauf noch abheben lässt!

Wir reden oft über das musikalisch perfekte Album, ein Terminus, der auf das Debüt “Utopian Suns” von Molnija Aura zutrifft, das in jeder Sekunde überzeugt wie bewegt! PS: Bitte sofort die Arbeiten zur nächsten Veröffentlichung aufnehmen!